How Chevy’s Corvette ZR1 packs 755 hp

When the engine was under development, they wanted to keep it a secret, so rather than stamp “Corvette ZR1” on the top, it said “BAS.” There’s a GM diesel engine that uses something called a Belt Alternator System, so that’s what they wanted people to think this was. But the engine engineers said that … Powered by WPeMatico

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Iran Launches New Corvette on Caspian

The Separ becomes Iran’s sixth combat-ready warship in the Caspian, the Iranian Fars news agency reported. It is a Paykan-class corvette, 47 meters in length and armed with surface-to-surface missiles and 76- and 40-millimeter guns. There is at least one other Paykan-class ship in the Caspian now, … Powered by WPeMatico

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